Hotel Animation

This is our mission and service, which we organize with much love and self-esteem.

Essence of Hotel Animation: A collection of leisure activities and services to accompany the everyday life of all tourists - children and adults, regardless of the location and type of the hotel.
In other words, in essence, the product is made up of various entertainments that we organize for tourists: Kids Animation - especially for the youngest guests of the hotel, Teen Animaton - for all children who are at a slightly more specific age, requiring an individual animation program so that they feel good and interesting.
Next is Sports Animation - a set of all kinds of sports and sports activities, and finally we end with Evening Animation, as before our evening program there is a children's disco, which the children adore and look forward to.
Immediately after it comes the turn of Night show programs, specially prepared and performed entirely by our team of animators.
Below we have briefly described some of the things we organize.

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Kids Animation

An integral part of the everyday life of our youngest guests - children, as well as their parents. Children's animators from BeachVacance organize various activities to develop child creativity and logical thinking.

  • Varied thematic days
  • Tournaments and interactive games
  • Sports games for children
  • Dance lessons for children
  • Creative activities
  • Kids disco for childrens

It's just a small part of what our Animation Team organizes.

You can view a detailed description in the section:

Sports Animation

BeachVacance sports animators organize various games, competitions and tournaments for all tourists from children to adults:

  • Sports activities: Zumba, Pilates, Water Ball, Darts, Water Gymnastics, Boca (Petanc), Volleyball, Football and many others. 
  • Duel games
  • Individual games
  •              Много и различни турнири, които ще повдигнат духа на гостите от всяка възраст и ще ги направят активни и спортуващи, през целият им престой. Вижте повече в раздел:

Evening Animation and Show Programs

After the Kids disco, which is a permanent part of the beginning of our evening show, there are many dance and comedy shows. The performances our BeachVacance Animators will offer to tourists are at a very high level as part of a program that is unique every night during the stay of guests.

  • Multiple dance shows
  • Comedy and sketch shows, 
  • Games featuring audiences,
  • Модерационни и артистични шоу-програми, са само една малка част от нашето богато портфолио с вечерни шоу програми.

 More information can be found in the section:

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You are a hotelier and you need a Company for animators?
Contact us, and we'll take care of everything else!